
R is for...Raenice Beatrice

Today's post is dedicated to my name. My mom had special reasons for both my first and middle names.

Raenice. My mom wanted to give me a name that would give me the nickname, Rae. In her mind, she saw me as an adult; a businesswoman. She said she imagined a room full of men waiting for a businessman named Ray to make an appearance in the meeting, but in walks this sexy businesswoman named Rae. The men's mouths would hang open and they'd all be enamored by my beauty and sexiness. I see where I got my imagination from. I'm so gonna use this set up in a romance novel sometime in the future. Anyway, so her middle name is Denise. Add Rae to the last part of her middle name and you get Raenice (pronounced "Rae-niece"). My name is actually spelled Rae'Nice, but I don't use the hyphen. Maybe I'll use it when I'm a best-selling author. Hmm...

Beatrice. This one is not as "glamorous" as my first name, but it's just as important. I was named after my great grandmother, GaGa, who died seven months before I was born. Remember, she's the one who saved my life when I was a baby. If you didn't read the story, you can read it here.

I love names that mean something. Since Raenice is made up, it doesn't really have an official meaning. I say it means "unique" cos it's not a common name. Beatrice means "voyager of life" and "blessed" (source). It also means "she who makes happy" and "she who brings happiness" (source).

So there you go. Raenice Beatrice. A unique voyager of life, who's happy, blessed and brings happiness to those around her. Yep. That's me. 

I love my name.



Guilie Castillo said...

Beautiful story, Rae. Yep, your mom definitely endowed you with more than a unique name--that imagined boardroom scene is fantastic :)

My name is also made-up. My dad was a creative artist, and he spent the nine months of my gestation playing around with letters to make up a sui generis name--Guilie is what he came up with, and because I was born when ultrasound was still the stuff of sci-fi, he said that would be the baby's name whether it was a boy or a girl. Most people think it sounds feminine (although maybe that's because they meet me first), so I guess it's good I was a girl :)

Mine also has no meaning, but a long-ago summer flirtation said it sounded like "quiet laughter"... And it stuck. Hence the name of my blog.

Unknown said...

Thanks Donna! Same to you. :D

Guilie, how do you pronounce it? "Quiet laughter" I love it!

carol said...

I love how you have such a special story to go with you name. Thanks for sharing.

Andrea said...

Love the names and the stories that go with...the quite a story was indeed that! Stopping by from a-z!

Unknown said...

Thanks Carol and Andrea!