
Wannabe Writers

Wannabe Writers is a writing group for the un-published started by Sarah at Confessions of the Un-published. It's a place where future authors can ask questions, share stories, and get feedback. Interested in joining? Click here to find more about how it works.

Where I am in the writing process: I have one finished upper MG manuscript and I'm currently writing my YA. I've queried for my upper takers, but good feedback. I've put it aside for almost a year and I'm ready to take another look to change things around.

My current problems: Trying to write consistently. The good thing is, I'm a substitute teacher, so my schedule is kind of flexible. Up until last September, I was in school for my doctorate, so I didn't write as much as I should cos I concentrated more on my dissertation. I'm taking a little sabbatical from school, so now, I have no excuse. I'm getting better, tho.

My question this week: What do you give up in order to write? Um, that would be a life for me. Well, considering the fact that I didn't really have a life to begin with, I guess I wouldn't be giving it up. I'm trying to socialize more, tho. All work and no play makes for a dull life.



Swimmer said...

I have the same problem i wrote 4,000 words last week and this week I had nothing!

sarah darlington said...

I love your blog! Especially your man-tastic monday's. I feel the same way. In order to write I have to give up my life and then how can you write when you aren't out there experiencing this?

Unknown said...

@ Swimmer, Glad to know I'm not the only one with consistency issues. If I can have some kind of schedule, I think I may be able to get close, but then life sometimes throw curveballs. I write when it works for me, too.

@ Sarah, Thanks! The Man-tastic Mondays are one of my fave days, lol! And I agree about having to experience life. That's why I'm working on the "no social life" thing.

Anonymous said...

I have to say, your blog is just beautiful! I definitely feel your pain--it's hard for me to write consistently. I'm trying to implement a new time management schedule where I write for an hour each morning, so we'll see how that goes!

Great post :)

Unknown said...

Thanks, Sarah! I've decided to implement a schedule, too. I'm good with sticking to schedules, so it my work out for me. I'm not a morning person, so my writing time definitely won't be in the morning, lol.

Robin M said...

School does have a way of interfering with working on a novel, especially when there is a lot of writing involved. I'll write consistently for a week or two, then not at all. I'm getting distracted by your man-tastic mondays. Those guys are hot.

Unknown said...

LOL @ Robin! I LOVE Mantastic Mondays.

Jillian said...

Good feedback is always good. That alone is great encouragement. Maybe a year-long break is just what you needed. Good luck with that, and I really genuinely hope one of us gets published soon :)

Unknown said...

I SO agree! And good luck to you, too. :D

porcelaine said...

Usually when people want to improve consistency they plot how the day is spent. You'd write down everything you're doing and the time spent. It allows you to pinpoint excesses and time wasters. I've noticed that many who blog often have this complaint. It's my belief that blogging takes more time than they realize. You can alleviate this by preparing posts ahead and using a program that posts them on the timetable desired.

Unknown said...

Thanks, Porcelaine! That's exactly what I've decided to do. Most of the posts, I can prepare ahead. Blogger has it to where I can set the date & time they'd post. I've started doing that.