
Wannabe Writers #15

Wannabe Writers is a writing group for the un-published started by Sarah at Confessions of the Un-published. It's a place where future authors can ask questions, share stories, and get feedback. Interested in joining? Click here to find more about how it works.

Where I am in the writing process: I've finished one manuscript and am working on my 2nd one. I've put manuscript #1 to the side after no takers, but will be taking another look later on this year.

My current problems: Having the energy to write after a hard day at work, or when I'm too tired and pooped to write. Or sometimes, I'm too wrapped up in life's problems, that I'm not thinking about writing, which is weird cos writing's usually my therapy. Honestly, I've been feeling really blah lately, you know? All of my writing have suffered this week, even my blog writing. Never fear, tho. I'm determined to get back on track!

Question this week: Would you be disappointed if 5 years from now you still wrote 500 words everyday and weren't published? What then?

My Answer: I love writing and will keep doing it, whether I'm published or not, for as long as I can. BUT, I think, if 5 years passed and I still wasn't published, I'd be a little disappointed. Not enough to stop writing and give up, tho. I mean, I've been writing, as a career, for a little over 5 years now and I'm still not published. Yes, I'm a little disappointed, but I don't let that keep me from writing. It's like I have to write, published or not. My world's not right if I don't write (hence this week being a difficult week for me).

What about you?



Swimmer said...

I agree sometimes life is overwhelming and writing has to sit on the back burner but I try to avoid that.

Amanda said...

I feel the same way as when you say it's like you have to write. I've been writing ever since I can remember and to just stop is beyond what I can imagine to me.

Unknown said...

I try to avoid not writing. My world isn't right when I go without it, lol!