
Inspirational Sunday

"Who among the gods is like you, O LORD? Who is like you - majestic in holiness, awesome in glory, working wonders? In your unfailing love you will lead the people you have redeemed. In your strength you will guide them to your holy dwelling."
Exodus 15: 11, 13

Rae's Thought: This week's inspiration solely focuses on celebrating God and His greatness. Too often, we focus on what we need and want from God, that we forget to focus on how amazing He really is.

Who among the gods is like you, O LORD? I can answer that question easily: no one! There are literally no other gods (notice the 'g') like the God (notice the 'G'). The Greeks, who believed in gods like Zeus, Poseidon and Aphrodite, and Romans, who believed in gods like Jupiter, Venus and Apollo, both believed that their gods were powerful beings. I believe my God is a powerful being. So what's the difference? #1: Greek/Roman gods were born...they were created. God was not born. He was here before everything else was. He is the creator. #2: Greek/Roman gods pretty much left with Ancient Greece/Rome. God was, is, and always will be. He'll be here even after the end of the world. #3: There were many Greek/Roman gods. There is only one God.

Some people worship gods that are statue form. They can see and touch their god. Although I can't see or touch my God, He is definitely NOT a statue, nor is He inanimate. All five of my senses are engaged when God is around, which is all the time. I see Him when I look up and see the white, cotton-like clouds lining the sky. I can see Him through breast cancer survivors whose cases were written off as hopeless, but, thank God they've survived! I may not be able to see Him physically, but all I have to do is look around me to know He's here. I may not be able to touch Him, but I can feel Him. I can also smell, taste, and hear my God. I repeat, there is NO other god like my God.

In your unfailing love you will lead the people you have redeemed. In your strength you will guide them to your holy dwelling. I am one of His redeemed, therefore He will lead me, and, you know what? I will gladly follow. Notice it says 'unfailing love'. Isn't it awesome that, in God, you can experience a love that never fails? Absolutely nothing will separate me from the love of God (Romans 8:35). NOTHING! It lasts for an eternity. Even the person who loves you the most can't love you for an eternity. I find comfort in the fact that God guides me where I need to go. It doesn't matter if I can't see the road or if I don't know how to navigate through rough waters. It is in His strength that I find guidance. He can see that road. He not only can navigate through rough waters, He's the one that made the waters! God is a bazillion times stronger than the strongest man or woman - or both put together - on Earth. I mean, you have to be strong in order to be able to hold up this and the hundreds (possibly thousands) of other galaxies.

Do you believe that God is amazing? If you do, why don't you take the time out to thank Him just for who He is. Just for a moment, don't think about this recession and how you're gonna pay the bills. Don't think about that scary diagnosis the doctor just gave you or the pink slip you've just receive. Forget about that house you've been eyeing or the kind of lifestyle you want God to bless you with. Think only of Him and His awesomeness. Think of how holy and majestic He is. Remember the wonders He's already performed in your life or even the lives of others. Think of His strength and His unfailing love. Once you realize how glorious God is, you'll realize that He's bigger than any problem, trial, or heartache you're experiencing right now. Everything else PALES in comparison to the God I serve. God is truly an awesome God!