
Random Thoughts Thursday Part 2

Fall TV Season. In less than one week, the season premieres of most of my fave shows will come on. I'm SO excited (yeah, I have no what). CSI Miami, Heroes, Ugly Betty, CSI New York, Criminal Minds, and Law & Order SVU. Add Glee to that and you've got a happy Rae. There are slight changes that can mess me up, though. Law & Order has been moved to Wednesdays. Why is that a problem, you may ask? IT COMES ON AT THE SAME TIME AS BOTH CRIMINAL MINDS AND GLEE!!! Why, oh why, did they move it to Wednesdays? I was perfectly fine with it being on Tuesdays. See, last year, I had Mon-Thurs set. Mon = Heroes & CSI Miami; Tues = Law & Order SVU (& occasionally, NCIS); Wed = Criminal Minds & CSI New York; and Thurs = Ugly Betty. Now, Mon stays the same, Tues = ?...maybe NCIS & NCIS Los Angeles; Wednesday = Glee, Criminal Minds, Law & Order SVU then CSI New York; Thur = ?; Fri = Ugly Betty. Now, I have to decide what to do about 8 pm on Wednesday nights. *sigh* Tragedy, I tell you...Tragedy!

Adam Rodriguez. So, about 2 months ago, I heard that Tyler Perry had a new movie coming out. Now, I love TP's work, so I knew I wanted to see it, but when I heard that Adam Rodriguez was going to be in it, I knew I had to see it. I've had a 'grown up' crush on AR since watching CSI Miami for the first time years ago. In fact, he was the reason I first got hooked on CSI Miami. I needed my weekly dose of Eric Delko. Now, of course, it's not about Eric, I actually like the show. So yeah, I had to go see I Can Do Bad All By Myself. I'm so glad I did. To me, it was one of TP's best movies. And Taraji Henson is such a talented actress.

Okay, back to AR. I've found out that, after this season, my beloved Delko, will be no more. *sigh* I knew it, when I saw the season finale. It's a good thing I actually like CSI Miami, cos clearly if I didn't, I'd stop watching it (but I do, so no worries). On an awesome note, AR will be on 5 episodes of Ugly Betty with the possibility of staying longer. Ugly Betty is, of course, another one of my must-see shows, so I'm good. He moved from one fave show to another.

Mission Statements. So, I'm reading The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey.

I'm on Habit #2: Begin With the End in Mind. One of the things we're supposed to do is come up with a mission statement. I've finally come up with mine (after about 2 weeks). I wanted to add scriptures to my statement to know where I got the idea from. Like me, this state is a work in progress.

My mission in life is...
  • To serve God, glorify Him in all I do, and love Him with all my heart, soul, and mind (Deuteronomy 6:5; Deuteronomy 6:13; Romans 15:6)
  • To let God, my family, my friends, and the kids I work with know I love them through, not only my words, but also my actions (1 John 3:18)
  • To use every gift, talent, and ability God has given me to fulfill His purpose for me (1 Peter 4:10)
  • To educate, enrich, and inspire youth and help them realize their full potential in God (Mark 9:37; Mark 10:14)
  • To live a bold and abundant life through Christ (John 10:10; 2 Corinthians 3:12)
  • To take good care of my temporary home, Earth, just as God has commanded us (Genesis 1:28)
  • To use my words and actions to build people up instead of tear them down (Proverbs 20:11; Romans 12:18)
  • To let my 'Jesus' light shine for the world to see (Proverbs 13:9; Matthew 5:16)