
Random Thoughts Thursday

NBA Finals. Tonight is the night. Game 7 of the 2010 NBA Finals. I knew it would go to a game 7. Not to sound jaded or anything, but it's all about the money here in the U.S. Either teams winning too early wouldn't have garnered alot of money...especially if it were a sweep. Now, the finals going to a game 7? That's guaranteed money, especially since it's between the Lakers and the Celtics. People are going to watch, no doubt about it.

So, with that being said. Game 7. Tonight. Lakers vs Celtics. Who do I want to win? The Celtics. Not that I'm this huge Celtics fan. I like them, but I'm a hometown team kind of girl, so it's about the Rockets (can we go back to the glory days of the mid '90s when our team was HOT). I'm not a Laker fan. I think it's more because I'm not big on Kobe. I know, shocking, right? Finally someone who doesn't live for everything Kobe. Don't get me wrong. Kobe's got skills. Some of his moves are just I can't take that away from him. The man's good. I just don't particularly care for him. I won't be cheering him on, which means, I won't be cheering the Lakers on, which means, GO CELTICS!

By the way, in my eyes and heart, Michael Jordan will always be the best. The way Jordan played...pure art in motion. Kobe's good, but he's no Jordan, at least not to me, a Michael Jordan fan for life.