
Wannabe Writers #20

Wannabe Writers is a writing group for the un-published started by Sarah at Confessions of the Un-published. It's a place where future authors can ask questions, share stories, and get feedback. Interested in joining? Click here to find more about how it works.

Where I am in the writing process: Still revamping both novels #1 and novels #2.

My current problems: Hmm...not so sure right now. I did have a problem with getting started again, but I've started. It's a slow start, but at least it's a start.

This week's question: This week's question comes from Swimmer at Books, Writing, and More, Oh My! . She asked about writer jealousy. Anybody else currently experiencing it? How do you deal with it?

My Answer: I used to experience it...wondering what they have that I don't. I know I'm a good writer. Now, not so much. I realize what they have is the guts to keep going, even when they've been rejected a number of times. I do write for the love of it, but I also would LOVE to become a published author. I know my time will come. I just have to be patient and have the guts to keep going. Every time I hear about a sale or about someone landing an agent, it only shows me that it's possible. Until God tells me it's not meant for me to become published - and I don't think that'll be the case - I'll keep trying. When I hold my baby in my hands for the first time, I know it will be oh so worth it!

What about you? What's up in your writing world?



Swimmer said...

I'm waiting for that day of being published too!!

Miranda Hardy said...

I am with you in that when it is meant to be, it will be. I know I am a writer and that is what is important. Now, letting others know that is an entirely different thing.

Have a great week writing!

Amanda said...

That's a wonderful attitude to have!

Unknown said...

@ Swimmer, Sending blessings your way! When your time comes, don't forget to let us know so we can celebrate with you, lol!

@ J, LOL! Yeah, I tell people I'm a writer, and they automatically assume I've been published. Sending blessings your way. You have a great writing week, too!

Unknown said...

Thanks Amanda!

Bookish in a Box said...

That's a great attitude; hearing about others being successful means it possible for us too! I forget that sometimes, so thanks for the reminder. :-)