
Wannabe Writers #19

Wannabe Writers is a writing group for the un-published started by Sarah at Confessions of the Un-published. It's a place where future authors can ask questions, share stories, and get feedback. Interested in joining? Click here to find more about how it works.

Where I am in the writing process: I'm in the middle of revamping novel #2. I'm excited about summer vacation cos that's when I tend to get a lot of writing done. Prayerfully, I'll be done with novel #2 - tentatively called, Who's Got the Moves - by the time summer ends.

My current problems: Hmm...I'd say getting to it. This always happens. It's summer vacation and my body wants to chill while my mind keeps working. I'm not too worried cos, I always end up getting to work. It's just getting over that hump.

My question this week: Critique partners? Anyone have a story on where they found a good one? And ways to keep the relationship going?

My answer: I belong to an online critique group, which I do enjoy. I've just found a critique partner through the Kidlit Blog, so I'm trying that out. What I'd really love is a partner I can meet face-to-face from time to time, you know? What about you?



Miranda Hardy said...

I would love to be able to have a critique partner that I can converse with face-to-face! Good luck with your novel #2.

Raleigh RoxStar said...

Just putting my bum in a chair and writing (or editing) is one of my biggest challenges, too. What's helped me with that piece the most is joining an online writing group called The Writers Zone (

The group has been really helpful. It is the reason I've finally finished two of my languishing WIPs since October of last year.

Each month is either a full month of writing, one week, or two weeks. You state your goal for each day and your reward when you achieve that goal. It offers great motivation and accountability.

As for the crit partner, well that is my next challenge. I am actively looking for a few crit partners now.

Bookish in a Box said...

I'm still too chicken to get a critique partner. I have this fear of ending up with someone so much better than me (or at least that thinks they're a much better writer than me) that I end up with all my literary hopes and dreams crushed. Eek! I suppose I'll eventually give in.

Best of luck writing while the summer sun calls! :-)

Amanda said...

I tend to write less in the summers because my kids are off school! Good luck on your revamp!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the comments and the luck, guys! As far as writing during the summer, I don't have kids nor do I have a hubby, so it works out, lol! Like I said. It's actually getting to work since my body wants to go on vacation. Once I get to writing, it's like I can't stop. And I've been nervous about critique partners, but I need other eyes...especially when I'm stuck. Partners help. :o)