
XYZ is for...X-cellence, Youthfulness, and Zeal

I'm always striving for...

X-cellence: Had to get creative with my 'x' word. I was raised not to be satisfied with the mundane. Because I am a child of God, the sky's the limit when it comes to my dreams. And when I'm going for my dreams, don't just settle at being good. Doesn't mean I'll be the best. There's always someone better than me. I just have to strive to be the best that I can be. Strive for x-cellence. That's what I'm doing. And if I fail, I get right back up and try again.

Youthfulness: No, this doesn't mean I'm looking for the fountain of youth. I'm actually ok with aging. I do not want to lose my child-like imagination. I do not want to become a grumpy old adult. Children can find pleasure in the simplest of things. Even the little things tickle them and make them smile. I don't ever want to be so busy that I don't stop and take the time to appreciate all that's around me. I want to be able to always smile and find pleasure in the simplest of things.

Zeal: And last but not least, I want to go for my dreams with all I have. I want to have a passion for life and live it to the fullest!



Julie Daines said...

Great words and things we could use a little more of in our lives. Thanks!

Unknown said...

Thanks for commenting, Julie. :D

J.L. Campbell said...

Good things to strive for, Rea. Glad I met you on the Challenge.

Jenny said...

Great words, and great advice to remember. Congratulations on finishing the challenge!

Tammy said...

Whoo Hoo! We made it!
Just came across your blog today on the last day of the Challenge.

Good read.
BTW....I'm planning on being young forever! I like what you had to say about being youthful

Anonymous said...

You've written a great AtoZ, well done.
Youthfulness is important. You might need to remind yourself of that post from time to time ;) Glad to have become your neighbour on the list at the end.

Unknown said...

Thanks everyone! Congrats on finishing the challenge! Feels great, doesn't it? :D